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These messages are typically given on Sunday morning and evening and Wednsday evening by Pastor Lawrence Richardson but also include guest speakers at Grace Baptist Church.
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So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
Romans 10:17 (KJV)
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Title and Description of Message |
Listen | Download | The Sanctity of Human Life - On January 22, 1973 the United States Supreme Court made it legal to kill unborn human babies. This message addresses this infamous decision made 37 years ago. Message delivered by Bro.Lawrence Richardson January 17, 2010 Sunday AM. | |
Listen | Download | Video | Wrong Is Always Wrong - Choose Life- "...I Have Set Before You Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing: Therefore Choose Life, That Both Thou and Thy Seed May Live" Deut. 30:19 & Isaiah 5:20. On January 22, 1973 the United States Supreme Court made it legal to kill unborn human babies. This message addresses this infamous decision made 38 years ago. Message delivered by Bro.Lawrence Richardson January 16, 2011. Sunday AM. |
Listen | Download | Video | The Sacredness of Life - Thirty-nine years ago 5 men set in motion the terrible act of legalized murder. With a 5-4 decision our Supreme Court rejected life and started down the terrible path of destruction of the unborn. We call it "abortion" but God calls it "murder." By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 1-22-2012. |
Listen | Download | Things We Forget About Christmas by Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 12/30/2012 | |
Listen | Download | Things That Mary Knew - Luke 1:26 by Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 12/23/2012 | |
Listen | Download | 8. Veil of the Flesh, John 19, By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 12/16/2012 | |
Listen | Download | 7. Veil of the Grave, 2Cor. 5:1-21, by Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 12/9/2012 | |
Listen | Download | 6. The Rocks Rent Luke 19:28; Matt. 27:51 by Bro. Lawrence Richardson 12/2/2012 | |
Listen | Download | 5. The Veil of the Temple was Rent, Heb. 19:1 by Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 11-25-2012 | |
Listen | Download | The Die is Cast by Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 11/11/2012 | |
Listen | Download | 4. The Veil of Death by Bro. Lawrence Richardson | |
Listen | Download | Video | God's Place In Public Life - by Bro. Richard Nelson |
Listen | Download | 3. The Veil of Separation by Bro. Lawrence Richardson 10/28/12 | |
Listen | Download | Free Indeed - John 8:25-36 By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 10/21/2012 Sunday PM | |
Listen | Download | 2. The Veil of the Cross - Mark 15:22 A series on the Cross. by Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 10/21/2012 | |
Listen | Download | 1. Purpose of the Cross - Gal. 1:1-4. A series on the cross, 2012 | |
Listen | Download | The Author and Finisher Of Our Faith by Bro. Noah Broughton. GBC Camp Meeting 2012 | |
Listen | Download | Getting Back To Where the Fires Fall Again - by Bro. Scott Matthews. GBC Camp Meeting 2012 | |
Listen | Download | Video | Anchors Thru The Storm - Acts 27:21 - Some Anchors That Will Hold You Thru the Storm - by Bro. Kennon Roark, GBC Camp Meeting, Wednsday, 10-10-2012 |
Listen | Download | Video | He's Better Than The Assortment- Hebrews 6:9 By Bro. Kennon Roark, GBC Camp Meeting. Tuesday 10/9/2012 |
Listen | Download | Video | He's Better Than The Angels Hebrews 1:4 . By Bro. Kennon Roark, GBC Camp Meeting. Monday10/8/2012 |
Listen | Download | How Valuable Is Christ To You by Bro. Benny Hatfield, 10/7/12 Sunday Evening Camp Meeting. | |
Listen | Download | Video | The Kingdom of God - John 3:1-3 by Bro. Benny Hatfield, GBC Camp meeting. Sunday,AM, 10-7-2012. |
Listen | Download | Things We Have As Christians by Bro Lawrence Richardson, 9/30/2012 Sunday PM. | |
Listen | Download | What Manner Of Person Should We Be. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 9/30/2012 Sunday AM. | |
Listen | Download | Video | Do You Know God? by Bro. Gordon Downs. 9/23/12 40th aniversary of Grace Baptist Church. |
Listen | Download | Our Future As Christians 1Peter Ch. 1 by Bro. Lawrence Richardson 9/16/12 | |
Listen | Download | Restore the Road Map - Jer 16. by Bro. Lawrence Richardson 9/16/2012 | |
Listen | Download | God's Continuing Education Program - 2Timothy 3:13-15 Paul told Timothy to continue in the things he had learned. It is not enough to just learn the Scriptures. Nor is it enough to be assured that the Scriptures are correct in all its words. One must give those Scriptures and doctrine out to other faithful men that will do the same thing. We must abide in and then give to others so they may continue Bro. Lawrence Richardson 9/9/2012 |
Listen | Download | The Early Church - Acts - by Bro. Chris Gouger 9/5/2012 | |
Listen | Download | Our Role in the New Testament Church - Acts 20:28 by Bro. Chris Gouger 8/29/2012 | |
Listen | Download | This Present Evil World by Bro. Lawrence Richardson 8/26/12 | |
Listen | Download | God's Benefit Package by Bro. Lawrence Richardson 8/19/12 | |
Listen | Download | Watch and Pray. Mark 13:31-33. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. | |
Listen | Download | Why the Birds Are Still Singing. By Bro. Brady Rochester. | |
Listen | Download | Why Jesus Delayed Answered Prayer - John 11:1-21 By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. | |
Listen | Download | Don't Cry. In Revelation John wept because no man was found to open the book of redemption. But behold there was one found. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus Christ. The elder cried out "weep not" for he is worthy. Thank God we have on that can wipe away our tears. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson 8/5/2012 AM |
Listen | Download | A Merry Heart. Our lives can be in stress and trouble but, with the Lord we can have a Happy Merry Heart. This only comes from knowing the Lord as Savior. Thank God we have Him to make us happy in times of sadness. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson 7/29/12 PM |
Listen | Download | When God Laughs. The world today is making fun and mocking the Christian. We are distressed on every front. One day the laughing will be in Heaven as God judges the wicked. When he laughs it will not be funny. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson 7/29/12 AM. |
Listen | Download | Apostasy - Part 2. This is the second lesson from the little book of Jude. We continue to see the works of apostate religions and their preachers. We are to contend for the faith. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson 7/22/12 PM. |
Listen | Download | A Step Between Me and Death. David told Jonathan that death was close by. He said there was only one step to take. We also are living but one step from eternity. Therefore, we must be ready to meet the Lord. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson 7/22/12 AM. |
Listen | Download | Apostasy - Part 1. The little book of Jude gives us much insight into the attitude of the world right before the coming of the Lord. The word "apostasy" describes our world socially, politically and religiously. This is part one of the study on "Apostasy." By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 7/15/2012 | |
Listen | Download | Wait Upon The Lord. By Bro. Tommy Freeman, 7/15/12 | |
Listen | Download | Stability In These Last Days. How To Have Spiritual Stability In These Last Days Our generation is one of the most unstable generations of history. Everyone and everything seems to be falling apart. The Bible gives us the way to keep our lives steadfast and unmovable in the Grace of God. Keep our eyes upon Him and He will bless. 7/8/2012 By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. | |
Listen | Download | Jesus Is Coming Just Like He Said. He's Coming Back, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled Jesus promised us in John 14 that He was coming back. As we continue in time we see many things happening that shows us He is coming soon. He promised to come back and He will come back. Therefore our hearts should not be troubled at the things going on in this world.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 7/8/2012. | |
Listen | Download | What Has Made America A Great Nation. As we approach "Independence Day" we are reminded of the many things that has been used to make this a great nation. We have our problems but we are still the greatest nation on the earth at this time. Pray that our freedoms will remain until Jesus Comes again for us. 4th of July Sermon by Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 4/1/2012 Sunday Morning. |
Listen | Download | Things Godly Fathers Do For Us. Gifts From Our Father Our earthly father's can give us special gifts if they are saved fathers. These gifts are also things that our Heavenly Father has given us. God reserves one gift that He can only give. That gift is a new heart.By Bro. Richardson 6/17/12 Sunday AM. | |
Listen | Download | It's About Time . God has put his creation in a portion of eternity that we call time. We are creatures of time and everything we do is associated with the clock or calendar. The Scripture tells us that today is the day to be saved, not tomorrow for we have no promise of that time.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson 6/10/2012 Sunday AM | |
Listen | Download | A Convenient Season Acts 24:24-27 gives us the account of Felix hearing the Word of God from Paul. He was given a season of having an opportunity to hear the plan of salvation. Paul reasoned with Felix out of the Scriptures and Felix found it was not convenient for him to believe.By Bro Lawrence Richardson, 6/3/2012 | |
Listen | Download | Facing the Giants In Your Life by Bro. Cris Gouger 5/27/2012 | |
Listen | Download | Willful Sin. By Bro. Jeff Vaught. Sunday 5-13-2012 PM. |
Listen | Download | What A Mother Should Be Like. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 5-13-2012 Sunday AM. |
Listen | Download | Getting To Know Your Enemy As a believer we must learn how Satan works against us. The more we know about his tactics the more we can learn how to recognize how he deceives us. He has many devises he uses to defeat and destroy the Child of God. Paul tells us we should not be ignorant of these things.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 5-9-12 Wednesday. |
Listen | Download | David's Last Words. Every Christian life has a commencement (at salvation), a course (our daily lives) and a conclusion (death). David had a good start and a good finish. Some of the things during his course were very sinful and detrimental. According to 2 Samuel 23:1-5 David finished his course believing in the God of his fathers. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 5/6/2012 Sunday PM |
Listen | Download | The Comforter. There is much confusion concerning the Holy Spirit and His work. The passage in John 15-16 gives us insight as to one of the works of the Holy Spirit. He is our Comforter and guide. He is the Spirit of truth to guide us into all knowledge of holy things. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 5/2/2012 |
Listen | Download | Jesus Passes By. We see many instances in Scripture where Jesus passed by an individual or a group. There was always something great to happen when He came to where the people were assembled or just setting by the wayside. Thank God He still passes by today.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 4/29/2012 |
Listen | Download | Can the Glory Come Back? Israel had lost the Glory of God with resulted in many defeats by their enemies. When the grandson of Eli was born he was named Ichabod (the glory is departed). Later on when the Temple was dedicated by Solomon we see the presence of God once again manifested. The Glory came back to dwell with Israel. Can the Glory come back to us now? That is the question that we must answer. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 4/29/2012. |
Listen | Download | Some Great Things. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson 4/25/12 |
Listen | Download | But God by Bro. Gene Dame. 4-22-2012. | |
Listen | Download | A Tearless Generation. Jeremiah states the his eyes ran with water like a river. God is interested in our tears. God sees our tears, He remembers our tears, He stores them in a bottle and one day He will wipe them away. Today there are very few tears shed by the people of God, therefore, generation has become tearless and heartless. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson.4/22/2012. |
Listen | Download | When Man Excludes God - The Tower of Babel. Genesis 10 and 11 gives us the historical link which connect Noah and Abraham. It is a time when everyone spoke the same language. They became so self-reliant that they excluded God from their affairs and devised their own way to God. The "Tower of Babel" was a failed attempt to reach the heavens without the God of Heaven. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. Sunday 4-15-12 p.m. |
Listen | Download | What Should Be the End of Them That Obey Not the Gospel? In 1 Peter 4, Peter asks this question. What is the end of those that do not obey the Gospel of God. When we look into the Scriptures we find the answer very quickly. The end of the unbeliever is an eternity in Hell. Thank God there is a way of escape. |
Listen | Download | The Blood Shed on the Cross. Here on Easter Sunday morning we are thinking of the resurrection of our Blessed Lord. Today we are dealing with the blood of Christ as it relates to our standing with Christ. The blood is the basis of salvation, for the Scriptures says without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. The product of His shed blood is the redeemed. One day we shall rise also. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 4/8/2012 Sunday AM. |
Listen | Download | Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. The Bible clearly declares to us if we want our needs met we must seek after God. There are many examples of this in the Old and New Testaments. In this message we examine how God met the needs of His people as they were seeking after Him. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 4/1/2012 PM |
Listen | Download | The Kind of Church Jesus Builds. The New Testament tell us that our Lord began His church during His earthly ministry. He built a certain kind of church that was to continue till He was to come back to earth. That church is not a denomination but a church that follows the Scriptures. It is a church that is unified and uncompromising in this world of darkness. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 4/1/12 |
Listen | Download | Some Liberal Things. Isa 32:1-8. By Bro. Melvin Sisson. 3-28-2012. | |
Listen | Download | No Time To Turn Aside. By Bro. Melvin Sisson. 3-25-2012 | |
Listen | Download | The Church Today. The Lord began his Church during His earthly ministry to give salvation to all that believe. The world is sinfully, spiritually and scripturally in darkness. The Church is here to present the truth and warn the sinner of judgement. We, the Christians, are here for such a time as this. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 3-25-2012 |
Listen | Download | Blinded by Satan - Acts 26:15-18; 2Cor. 4: 3-6. The Apostle Paul was told God's purpose in his life was to open eyes that the light of the Gospel would guide them to salvation. The world stays in darkness because the Devil has blinded the eyes of those that are lost. Satan blinds the spiritual eyes of the lost to the goodness of God and their own sinfulness. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 3-21-2012 |
Listen | Download | The Judgement Seat of Christ - 2Cor. 5. The Great Commission in Light of The Judgement Seat of Christ. One day every Christian will stand before the God of Heaven and give an account of those things done in the body whether it was good or bad. We will be judged for how we give out the Gospel to the lost world.By Bro Lawrence Richardson 3-18-2012 |
Listen | Download | Purpose By Bro. Gordon Downs, Acts 18:9-11 Missionary to Thailand | |
Listen | Download | God Won't Forget by Bro. Phillip Wild, Missionary to India | |
Listen | Download | What Isaiah Saw. John 12 tells us that Isaiah saw the glory of the Lord and spake about that glory. This is a short study in the Book of Isaiah about what he saw. It is amazing what he saw concerning the Messiah. Sunday, 3-11-2012 PM | |
Listen | Download | The Churches Main Mission - Part 2. The Church of Jesus Christ was organized by the Lord during His earthly ministry and after the resurrection He left His church a mandate to go into all the world and preach the gospel. That has been and continues to be the mission of the Lord's Church. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 3-11-2012 Sunday, AM. |
Listen | Download | The Blessed Hope in the Old Testament. Most of the time, when we think of the "Blessed Hope", we think of the New Testament. When we look at the Old Testament book of Zephaniah we see the Lord telling Israel they also have a hope in His coming. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 3-7-2012 Wednsday | |
Listen | Download | The Churches Main Mission-Missions - Part 1. The reason the Lord began his church and continually blesses it is because there are many people that have never heard the message Jesus Saves. The Great Commission commands us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. That is the main purpose for the existence of the local church.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 3-4-2012. Sunday AM |
Listen | Download | Last Days of Moses By Bro. Lawrence Richardson 2/29/2012 | |
Listen | Download | The Qualifications of Grace. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 2-26-2012 | |
Listen | Download | The Last Days of Church The Last days are here with us. We are living in the last moments of these days and we need churches that will stand for truth and righteousness. Our God desires we be aware of the time in which we live and the world needs to see a church that is alive. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 2/26/2012 |
Listen | Download | Seven Signs of a Dead Christian by Bro. Cris Gouger, 2-19-202 Wednsday |
Listen | Download | Prayer For The Church During the Last Day's. 2 Thess. 3 In these last days we must learn to pray for each other and our churches. We are facing some very dark days ahead. There are things we need to continually have if we are going to be effective in our communities. Seven things are examined in this message for which we much pray.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 2-19-2012 Sunday AM |
Listen | Download | The Heavenly People 1 Cor. 15:41-49 The Child of God is a person that has had a visit from the Holy One of Heaven. He gives us a heavenly birth and from that point on everything is connected to our future home. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 2-15-2012 Wednsday |
Listen | Download | David, A Man After God's Own Heart Acts 13:22-23 David is one of the greatest men of the Bible. He was chosen by God to be king. He was committed to the task given to him and was very courageous in his actions. by Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 2-12-2012, Sunday PM |
Listen | Download | Christ, The Head of the Church - Ephesians 3:20-21 Every community needs a good Bible believing church. For the church to be correct it must have Jesusv as its head. The church's purity has a restraining value on its community. As its message reveals evil, it will also restrain evil. Jesus Christ is the founder and foundation of His Church. Sunday 2-12-2012 AM. |
Listen | Download | Acts 28. Paul's move to Rome. In the last chapter of Acts, Paul's move to Rome is recorded. He had desired to go to Rome many years and now he arrives. While there as a prisoner, he was able to witness to many people as they came to visit him. He was in his own hired house and was able to preach to all that came to him. His message to the Romans was Jesus Christ the Son of God is savior to all that believe. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. | |
Listen | Download | What People Say About God's Work. When Nehemiah was burdened to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls there were those that mocked and made light of his work. There were those that doubted the work would be started. When the work was in progress the enemies hated the work and workers. Nehemiah gave the voice of trust.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. | |
Listen | Download | Importance of the House of God. It is important for the child of God to keep a right relationship with the fellowship of believers.
The church is where we can learn the truth and grow in God's grace. The local church is the place of encouragement, understanding and strength for the Christian.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 2/5/2012 |
Listen | Download | Acts 27 - Part 2 The Storm. In the last part of Acts 27 we have the proclamation of Paul as to the extent of damage to the ship and passengers. He reveals to them that the ship will be totally lost but all lives will be saved from the storm. As they draw near the coast the ship is broken apart and they either swim to shore or float on parts of the boat. They were all safe just like Paul had promised.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 2/1/2012. | |
Listen | Download | Enemies of the Cross - As Paul gives instructions to the church of Philippian Church, he warned them that there were many enemies of the Cross of Jesus. He then gives Timothy some names of those that would be classified as enemies. We study these men and see how destructive they tried to be to the cause of Christ.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 1/29/2012 |
Listen | Download | Christianity Without the Cross - Luke 9:23-26. The "Christian" world today wants a religion without a burden. The Lord told His disciples that if they were going to follow Him there would be a cross to bear. If there is no cross there is no salvation or substance to our life. The Cross of Jesus gives us peace and pardon but not without a burden.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 1/29/2012 | |
Listen | Download | Acts 27-Part One - The Storm. Our lesson in this chapter deals with the great storm and shipwreck that came upon ship as Paul was being taken to Rome. This is Paul's forth shipwreck but no one would listen to him as he warned the owner and master of the ship there would be much loss on the way to Rome. 1/25/2012 |
Listen | Download | What Death Ends - Romans 5:12-17. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 1-22-2012. | |
Listen | Download | Reasoning Together With The Lord - Isa 1:18 Isaiah gives us the request of the Lord for us to come and reason together. To reason something out is to weigh all the facts and make a decision concerning the subject. In the New Testament we see the Lord Jesus reasoning with many different people concerning their standing with God. He told one man he had to be born again. The woman at the well had to consider what Jesus said about the water of life. Today we also must have a reasonable spirit about us with looking at eternity.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. Sunday 1-15-2011 PM | |
Listen | Download | Acts 26 - Paul's Defense. Paul is happy to answer to King Agrippa the charges which had been brought against him . When Paul was finished one ruler said Paul was mad with much learning but the King was almost persuaded to be a Christian. It is so sad to be almost and not altogether persuaded.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 1-18-2012. | |
Listen | Download | What Jesus Left Behind. John 20:1-10. When Jesus ascended back to heaven he left many things behind. This message give the details of those many wonderful thing he has left us. We have them at our disposal but we much use them in the service of the Lord. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. Sunday 1-15-2012 AM. |
Listen | Download | Acts 25--Paul Before Festus 1-11-12 The unjust judges continue to have Paul come before them. Festus has just taken the office of Felix and he is told of the pending case of Paul. He calls Paul before him and again no judgment is given and Paul appeals to Caesar. |
Listen | Download | The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God. He is that part of the Godhead that dwells in the believer. When a person gets saved they get all of the Holy Spirit. He moves in the body of the believer. He is the Spirit of Truth and He will lead us in the paths of righteousness. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 1-8-2012 Sunday PM. |
Listen | Download | Surely I Come Quickly. One of the most clear teachings of the Bible is the coming of Jesus Christ. He is coming soon but before His coming to the earth there will be the rapture. This is the catching away of the Saints of God to usher in the tribulation. After the tribulation will be the completion of the Second Coming of Christ and Him setting up His kingdom. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 1-8-2012 Sunday AM. | |
Listen | Download | Children Obey Your Parents. By Bro. Cris Gouger. 1-6-2012 | |
Listen | Download | Acts 24. Paul Before Felix 1-4-12 Paul stands before Felix in this chapter. He speaks for himself before his accusers. He clearly states his innocence but Felix will not make a judgment. The words of Paul troubled Felix and he called for a private meeting with him. The Scripture tells us that Paul preached unto him and then under conviction, "he trembled."By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 1-4-2012 |
Listen | Download | This I Know - Bring In the New Year. As we enter into a new year we do not know all the things that will happen to us or the world. As we read the Scriptures there are some things we can know. We know the Devil will continue to do his havoc to the believers. Also we know that our society will continue to deteriorate. There are many other things that are certain but one thing we can rejoice in is, the Lord will help us in 2012. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. Sunday AM. 1-1-2012 | |
Listen | Download | You Must Be Born Again. By Bro. Vincent Piater. 12-21-2011 |